Saturday, July 26, 2008

Morning Day Two

Okay, I put Aiden on the potty first thing this morning, or should I say, I tried to put him on the potty. He refused to have anything to do with it, and my attempts were met with kicking and screaming. So I backed off and I'm going to keep asking him today, but I'm starting to think that he may not be ready for this whole potty training thing yet. It shouldn't be a big fight, right? If he was ready he would want to do this. So we'll keep trying for a day or two, but if he doesn't start getting more excited or if he keeps fighting me like this I am going to stop and try again in a couple of weeks.


Anonymous said...

No he shouldn't be fighting you. Do have a reward system? You know everytime he actually goes in the potty he gets something? That's what worked with Brian he was happy to try knowing there was a prize for going.

Jenn - The Army Wife Life said...

I do have a reward system, which he figured out real quick! But he still doesn't want to go.

5Mutarts said...

The one thing I have learned about potty training is that the kid has to want to do it. Strongwilled kids can use it as a form of control too. For instance, Ky started to go fine, but realized that when he didn't go and just went in his pullup it caused anxiety on me and he had some kind of reaction. I would wait, continue with the pullups, and get him around some bigger boys that he would want to play with! Hope this helps!