Sunday, July 27, 2008

Day Three

Well, yesterday he only allowed me to put him on the potty one time, and he didn't go. As much as I was looking forward to him being out of diapers, I just don't think he's ready for this yet. Even when he does go, he'll go again in his pants 5 minutes later, I don't think he understands the concept of going completely on the potty. He's like a dog, a little here, a little's very frustrating to have him go on the potty and still wet himself 5 minutes later! It was like that all day the first day, and now he wants nothing to do with it. So I guess we wait.... :-(


Anonymous said...

Yeah I would say it's best to wait a little bit. Did you get some kids book to read to him about going potty? The fight to get on the potty has to stop before he will be ready. If your using a potty chair for him leave it out so he can check it out as he wants to. And I don't know if you already do this or not, but let him watch you everytime you go. I know it's nice to close the door and have a second to yourself while you go, but right now he needs to watch. Oh and this might seem silly, but he probably needs to see another guy go potty too so send him over to your parents and have your dad let him watch! LOL Hope something works soon!